The Date object allows us to do operations with dates.
First we create a variable that stores a new date.
In this case it will show us the current system date:
var date = new Date();
If we want to display the current year from the created date variable:
var year = date.getFullYear();
If we want to show the current month or day:
var month = date.getMonth();
var day = date.getDate();
console("Today is month " + month + ", day " + day + ", year " + year);
The Math object is a default global Javascript object that allows us to do numerous mathematical operations.
To use it, simply write within our Math script followed by a period and its many options that allow us to perform different operations.
Modes of use:
Find the smallest number in a series of numbers:console.log(Math.min(1,2,3,10));
Find the largest number in a series of numbers:console.log(Math.max(1,2,3,10));
Round a decimal number:console.log(Math.round(7.4));
Round a decimal number down:console.log(Math.floor(7.4));
Round a decimal number up:console.log(Math.ceil(7.4));
Show a random number:console.log(Math.random());
In the following example we will create a function that will generate a random number up to a maximum number that we will choose randomly, in this case 20, resulting in a rounded number:
function genRandom(numberMax){
return Math.round(Math.random() * numberMax);
The nomenclature (Math.random() * numberMax)
refers to a random number taking as maximum numberMax.
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